Sunday 20 April 2014

Could your province impact your weekly salary?

Actually, it could. A 2013 business census targeting employment, payrolls, and hours revealed that workers in some provinces are making up to $300 more per week than others. While Alberta is easily the most well-off in terms of weekly salary, others are watching their average plateau, and New Brunswick's average is on the decline.

The clear outlier here is New Brunswick's report from last year. While monthly averages have sometimes gone down, New Brunswick's 2013 average is the only time in the last ten years when it has declined. The other less obvious anomaly concerns the 2008-2009 difference, in which provinces like Quebec, British Columbia, and Ontario experienced barely any increase, while Newfoundland and Nova Scotia experienced a greater or equal increase than most years.

Again, however, the real story here is New Brunswick's economy. Only days ago, what should have been a $2/hour wage increase for support workers came in at only $0.25/hour.

Another major issue? New Brunswick is about to get a tax hike that will further curb what people make in a regular week. The change comes into effect on July 1st.

The data in the census report illustrates the divide between the economy in East and West Canada. While Alberta was ranked 1st in 2013, Saskatchewan was 3rd and British Columbia 6th; in contrast, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and P.E.I. were 7th through 10th respectedly.

Speaking of P.E.I., the NDP has adopted a wage increase into their platform; maybe that will be enough to push it about another province? In the last ten years, the average weekly salary in P.E.I. has never been greater than 10th.

Weekly Wage by Month: Canadian Provinces

If the NDP manages a wage increase in P.E.I. and New Brunswick continues to decline, could they swap places on the list? In 2012, they differed by over $65/week; now, that number is less than $17/hour. Also, New Brunswick isn't taking nearly the same initiative in rasing wages. P.E.I. on the other hand?

Regardless, even if P.E.I. does increase wages, they - and the rest of the East, Newfoundland aside - are still nowhere near western provinces like Alberta and Saskatchewan.

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